Mentally, Physically and Emotionally Tired! Haish...
Just reached home from dinner with Gurlfrens Aini, Aida, Ina and her cute baby, Aiman. Ina, He is so lovely! He likes to smile and very attractive lah! Lirikan mata nya, aauuwww, sungguh menggudassss~~~ Hiks!
Aini!!!!!!!!!! U very notey gurl laaahhhh!!! I wanted to treat u for the dinner. But u main tipu!!! U buat kalut depan counter tu, terus i confuse! Huh! Kenapa u bayaaaaaarrr!!!! Last2 u belanja i plak dahh.....Gggrrrrr~~~~
Cheating tau u bebeh! Dgn pakcik pakcik tu confuse sbb i nak jugak bayar lagi. Hahaha... Anyway, thanks, time turn i plak.....U No! No! No! (Mcm cara zaheera cakap Okies!)
Just too missing my Boo and that is the reason y i am still updating Boo even though I am crazy tired!
Hmm...Monday night, I couldn't sleep. It was so hard to close my eyes. And the next morning while was driving to the office, received 1 good news from a best fren of mine! (Happy Face). Huh!! I am so excited to tell here...But...Syyyy...I think u wouldn't allow me to say it here, kans? hehe...Okies, just let it be our secret! Wink! And I am so happy for u, Dear! Patut la susah nak tido malam tu...Rupak2 nya ada gud news! Hihi...
Pagi ni plak, bangun2 je, dah 8.15AM! Adddusss~~~ Dah lambat! Tp yg best nye, bleh plak duduk termenung fikir jap btul ke arini kerja? (Note: Am a type of person who is very crazy to go to work!) Nanti kang tetiba dah siap mandi, Mama Papa tanya nak g keja ke cuti2 weekend ni? hahaha... So, fikir...fikir...apa lah yg bleh men confirm kan arini hari keja, so terfikir lah smalam ada cerita Awan Dania kans, so confirm la arini keja! hahaha.... Ngengs! Then baru la g mandi!
The monday, pun sama. Tak bgn lambat la tp nye. Tp mcm teragak2 keja ke tak aritu. So what has reminded me that that day was Monday; when I thought the day before I saw MELODI at TV3! ekekeke....
Sungguh memberi wake up yg bagus kepada otak ku sebaik sahaja bgn dari tido kans? Bgn2 je terus kena start Memory! hehe... Cargas! Alamak...This Cargaz word so remind me of someone...hmmm......
And what is about Zaheera...She also like her aunty lah! Aini. ekeke... Tu lah, aini, sapa suh u cheating tak kasik i belanja u tadi kan.. So, skrg, i dah samakan u dgn my beloved niece yg suka cheating... ekeke...
Zaheera doesn't want to go to school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
I was understood that Zaheera have to go to school now. BUT, everyday i will have a SURPRISE from my mom. She will send me MMS where Zaheera picture is in the picture and the picture is taken at my house!!!
Look at this selambe muka of this notey gurl..

"Abi, Zaheera tak nak pegi school arini..Zaheera nak pegi umah Tatai banyak2 dulu. Lps tu baru pegi school..."
Ibu and Abi: (Terpegun and tak sempat cakap apa2... Ter pshyco kejap)
Upss...Boo, I have bought new perfume! It's Femme! BOSS family still. Wangiii~~~~
Hmmm...mcm ada org blanja this perfume.. Tp ehhm...tgk dulu lah cemana...
The Gucci - FLORA, OMG, it is so expensive~~~~~ Blom lg la kot to own it..
Hmmm...nak mandiiii!!! challoossss
Hmmm...mcm ada org blanja this perfume.. Tp ehhm...tgk dulu lah cemana...
The Gucci - FLORA, OMG, it is so expensive~~~~~ Blom lg la kot to own it..
Hmmm...nak mandiiii!!! challoossss
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