Many things happened to me during last few weeks but not to reveal here. (1 of it, Boo dah glams kan? Siap Uganda pun masuk Boo nih..ekeke..). But, To those who close to me or was also in the event, they know. All i can say now, if it started with troublesome, but now, am praying that what is currently happening, will be the Hikmah. Insya Allah :)
Harapnye, berkat kesabaran selama ini, berbaloi. Supporters, thanks :)
Ngantuks dah aaa. Sok masih lagi di Shift 7.30am. So far, mmg berjaya lah sampai on time. Tak pun, awal 5 minits.huhuh... Kalau dulu pk payoh nye nok masuk kul 8am. Tapi, kini, Mek Comey sama sibuk bgn pagi macam nok g skoloh. Tp, rasanya lagik awal bgn dr diorg.
Rara is here, Boo. Tgh tunggu time je nak berjalan tu. Manja sgt ngn Ushu dia sorang tu. Plus, tgh kuat bebel. Nak start pandai cakap jugak tu rasanya. Uikss, u know what? Smlm umah sebelah plak Pajero kena pecah cermin. Giloss panas kawasan ni. Eii....ngeri dah! Make me worried to step out to office every morning.Kot la kan diorg try jugak pepagi kul 6.30am tu. Kalau dah smlm projek Marathon pecah keta org time 1.30am kat umah Mek Comey. So tak pelik la kan kul bape2 pun diorg nak buat projek. Dah la baper umah dah diorg marathon projek dah sebelum tu. Terketar2 plak kali ni. Tot someone has got into our house. However, the loud voice came from Ushu who tried to frightened the 2 man on motorcycle. Papa, Abi n Ushu reported to police who make rounds here. So, when i heard that police now come into the picture, at least i can breath...... Huh...risau aaa idup dlm kawasan cenggini...
Jura and Kakak, miss u much...Tunggu tau, am coming :)
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