Less than 1 hour to Breakingfast time! Today is the 10th day of ramadhan, and this means, we have completed 1/3 of Ramadhan. Alhamdulillah :) cepat plak rasa. Dulu masa nak start rasa lama nyeee nak raya :p
Today is Public holiday. 31st August. Smua anak Mejar Mukhtar ada kat umah ni. Well, what did i do today? Ehmmm, helped mama at kitchen and huhu, i learned something there ;p Belajar siang ikan! Ehm, for beginner type, so, there were some fish "sexy mexy" la kan? :p haha... Sexy sbb kulit ikan ada yg tercabut cabut sket..hahaha...Tp, selagi mata nye tak ku cabut, kira OK la tu kans? hahahha.... Ala,Mama kata OK, so that make me proud enough of myself to spend more time in kitchen after this :)
So, our menu for Berbuka Puasa today is Ayam Goreng Madu, Ikan Singgang, Sup Sayur Petola with Cendawan, taufu Sos Tiram. Ehmm..Yummy2... Cant wait to eat my "sentuhan" ...hahaha...
Ehmm, Boo,
i have new hair cut...I cut short my hair. And i have brownish hair color for Raya ;) Wink!! Thanks Vivian. I like it very much!
Yeay, last 2 days, we went to Gedung Al-Habshee again. The owner called papa and told him few new tudung has came that day. This time, i bought One. The one that i like on my last visit. Blue One. Not very blue. Turqoish. Niceee one. Harap2 pakai la yee dah beli ni..Wink ;p
Iman Zaheera, Abi, Ibu, Achik and Myself went there to meet Awok and Tatai.
If u can see Iman Zaheera's right hand,Actually, her hand mcm luka sket kat tepi kuku tu. Oghang ganu kate, Soyyok. Orang KL kata, ntah...Macam ada kulit halus2 tu tertanggal. So cute Sayang Ateh ni, kalau dah mule2 start pakai handyplus tu, sampai esok lusa la dia akan suh Ibu/Abi pakai kan. Bile2 je time dia teringat.
Haish. Ibu pernah cakap,time dah tido dah tu, bleh ngigau suh amik "balut..balut..." suh pakai kan kat tgn tu. Alah, bukan nye kena tarok ubat ke apa. Sarong je kat Ibu Jari dia tu, senyap la si kecik tu... haha...Mudah,kans :p
Lama nye Ateh tak naik Gen 2 Abi nih. Baru lps servis. Berdessupp pegi nyeyy...
Jalan jem jugak la ptg tu, walaupun smua org konon nye katanye dah balik Kg. So, samey la jugek sbb org yg kg nye kat KL pun datang memenuhkan KL jugak..kikiki.... Tp, kitorg sempat la patah balik gombak berbuka. Tp berbuka kat luar aritu. Ehmm,d story will come in next entry yea ;)
Achik. Nak pegi kedai tudung je. Tp, bawak beg mcm nak balik Kg! Bukan satu, tp 2! Huh... Kata Abi, mcm cikgu nak pegi mengajar.Kikkikiki...
Ibu. After few minutes later, she didnt get chance to seat in front peacely anymore. Iman Zaheera kacau la tolak si Ibu tak kasik ddk kat dpn.
She's singing "the wheels on the bus" song.. Very da cute..
Zaheera skrg kalau bercakap n nyanyi dah bleh dgr agak jelas perkataan2 dia sebut tu. Takde la pelat sgt dah.. U are my gud girl, Zaheera!!
Time ni nampak Bus kat depan sebenarnye..."Basshhhh.."
Dah sampey kat sana menerai nerai la segala tudung baru tu..Termasuk la si Iman zaheera ni. Dengan hand Bag and hat sekali dia try..
She's having flu and cough. Ibu la yg dok mengelap2 ingush Zaheera ni.
u can see down there, this place also has baju kurung, blouse, pants, belt, necklace...All about womens...
Mama choosing the best
Awok was still tired for the non stop journey. 3days before they went up to north, then back for a night in KL and down to Melacca for a night. Though Awok didnt get full enough sleep, Nak raya kan...rezeki byk nye masuk. So, Awok said, It's ok :)
Dah duduk dah. Kalau berdiri lagik, bukan nye penat memilih. penat menerai je byk...ksian plak kat kakak jaga tu
Abi n Ibu. Lama tak post of their both pix together in Boo kans?
This is Abi who dengki ngn Ateh. Sibuk tayang tgn di dpn kamera..Dush..
Yerps, this is the handbag..Lawa lawa...I like...
Ok, Pen off..This entry was actually written on and off since 6.25 pm and was finished at 12.25am Tuesday.. Biasalah, ada Iman Zaheera kans. So, masa lebih byk tertumpu kat my lovey niece ;)
She just went back to her home. Ateh gonna miss u a lot, sayang!! :(
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